Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Small Weigh-In Victory!

Let me start by saying that I weighed in at the noon meeting today rather than the 5:30 meeting so I can play volleyball tonight with my coworkers (which is high intensity when you play with these people!). I went into my weigh in a little bit skeptical because I went out to eat three times this week, and two of these times I made VERY bad food choices. I was still religiously on plan the rest of the time, but it wasn't enough to convince me that my weigh in was going to go well. I set myself up for disappointment, expecting the worst. However, I was down exactly 1 lb! Not as much as I would have liked, but it's one pound less than I was a week ago. After this small victory, I was excited to eat my lunch after a liquid breakfast (always trying to trick the scale.....).

With that said, I've still got my meals planned for the day.

-1 glass Light & Fit orange juice
-1 cup herbal tea with Splenda

-6 inch veggie sub with fat free mayo (but regular cheese)
-Baked Lays

Afternoon Snack: (pre-volleyball nourishment)
-1 sliced bell pepper
-1/4 of a canteloupe
-fat free yogurt

-Spaghetti squash with ground turkey and tomato sauce
-green salad with fat free dressing

-100 calorie Devil's Food pudding
-1 glass fat free milk

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