For those of you who are blessed and haven't had to see it, picture P. Diddy (or Puffy, Sean Combs, whatever the hell he's calling himself these days) riding on a jet ski in a tuxedo. Apparently, when you have as much money as P. Diddy, you don't mind ruining a tuxedo by racing through the syringe infested, bacteria laden East River (I think he's actually in Miami, but I like the thought of it being the East River). To make matters worse, Diddy spews ridiculous phrases that he apparently deems to be motivational like "I think, therefore I am." Not a bad phrase, but it seems a little silly coming from a man riding a jet ski with a tuxedo on.
My little rant is over, I just want to know if anyone found this commercial as stupid as I did.
OMG I haven't seen this commercial and I think I'm thanking God that I haven't!
I don't have cable. And that's the reason why.
Im with you...stooopid!
Ok, when I read your post I hadn't seen it. Last night I saw it. Couldn't wait to come and tell you, I so agree with you!!! LOL Dumb!
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